Celestial Sphere

Celestial Sphere: The Fight for the Cosmos in the Age of Pain is an entry to the October 25 Ronnies. The challenge was to write a game using two of the four terms (Cosmos, Fight, Pain, and Sphere) to create a 24 hour RPG. I took the whore-route and combined all four into one game that pretty much wrote itself. Although I think it would be a fun game, there are much better entries you should check out.

You take on the role of a Constilation sent to earth to try and repair the damage done to the Spheres of the Cosmos in a time of chaos.

In the beginning all was as it should be. The Spheres existed in harmony, and the Cosmos was balanced.

Since the beginning of time the Celestial Sphere was where a Hero would find themselves when they fell. From the Mortal Sphere these fallen heroes could still be seen as Constellation, and they provided hope and guidance to the inhabitants of the Mortal Sphere. The Constellations (or Celestials as they called themselves) took pride in their position, and proudly looked down from the heavens, offering assistance and support to those who needed it.

The change started subtly, with mere ripples in the Celestial sphere, subtly warping the distances between places. Those few Celestials who even noticed the change were not believed at first. Others claimed that they had simply gotten lost or that they had been mistaken in their direction, these distortion in the sphere continued and grew larger until no Celestial. these distortions warped the sphere to the point that not all of the Sphere orbited the Mortal Sphere. Tales began circulating of heroes going missing, or becoming eternally lost.

The effects on the Mortal sphere were even greater. Since the two spheres had always been closely bound what effects one inevitably effects the other one. With out the guidance and memories of the Constellations to guide them the mortals began to loose their way. Soon memories began to fade of the legends of old, and magic itself began to disappear from the Sphere.

Before the Celestials had a chance to respond to the situation on the Mortal Sphere or fully comprehend what was occurring on their own Sphere, things took an even more sinister turn. In the newly remote areas of the Celestial Sphere tears and dark holes began to form. In the area around these ‘black holes’ the Celestials started to feel a draining of the very energy that sustained them, the Divine Manna. Those brave heroes who began to investigate the phenomenon disappeared. The first Celestial to return from a chasm, was Vulcan, and he did so heavily wounded, barely clinging to life. When word of a survivor came Celestials from all over the sphere came to see if Vulcan had learned something that could possibly bring an end over the sphere came to see if Vulcan had learned something that could possibly bring an end to their troubles. When asked what he saw the hero responded with one word “pain” and promptly passed away, something which had never happened in the Celestial Sphere before.

It was then that the Chasms erupted with activity and a dark army spilled from the chasms, as though Vulcan’s death had some how summoned them into existence. From the void came drove after drove of beasts and demons of all sizes. These ‘Gorgons’ fell on the assembled Celestials. The battle that ensued was swift and brutal, but in the end the Celestials stood victorious.

The heroes had managed to beat most of the beast back into the darkness, but a few managed to escape, by slipping into the Mortal Sphere and taking the guise of mortals.

The Celestials are aware that these Gorgons are in some way responsible for this new Age, the Age of Pain, and they must now hunt the remaining Gorgon, whither they be in the heavens or the earth. Only by defeating the beast can they ever hope to understand the source of the damage done to both the Mortal and Celestial Spheres. As the greatest heroes of the Mortal realms they are charged with regaining a balance between the spheres, or they are doomed to watch the Age of Pain become the Age of Oblivion…


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