Sonic the Hedgehog, an Unofficial Roleplaying Game

Sonic the Hedgehog is about freedom from oppression and heroic antics of all kinds. It is also about the corrupting influence of power, embodied in the character of Dr. Robotnik/Eggman. It is about doing the right thing and dedication to ones’ beliefs – Sonic and pals all have power, but they use it to fight the villains of the game, and some have personal quests such as Knuckles’ protection of the Master Emerald.

How to use Sonic the Hedgehog, An Unofficial RPG

Sonic the Hedgehog, an Unofficial RPG is a roleplaying game. This is a game that is played with a group of friends in which each player takes on the role of a character and dictates their speech and actions. These characters are known as Player Characters (PCs for short). One player is known as the GameMaster (or GM for short). It is the GM’s responsibility to create the world and scenarios the PCs will act in, as well as populate them with Non-Player Characters (NPCs), which exist to make the world seem like a real, breathing one, not simply a static, non-evolving environment. NPCs may be allies, enemies, indifferent parties, or even minor character made up on the spot because a PC grabbed a random person in the middle of the street to ask directions. Whatever their role in the game, NPCs exist to give your world depth and the PCs an expanded cast with which to interact. For a more detailed discussion on the nature of roleplaying games, see Jeff Moore’s article, Roleplaying in the Computer Age.


5 Responses to “Sonic the Hedgehog, an Unofficial Roleplaying Game”

  1. ConceptJunkie Says:

    My son is developing his own Sonic RPG ruleset, and I’m curious to see what other people have done.
    I’m an old RPG player from waaaay back… I skimmed over your document and it seems like a nice basic design that is true to the genre.

    Long live Sonic! :-)


  2. Evan Says:

    Hey, i love sonic games i’ve been playing them since the first came out. The graphics and story line have come a long way and i was wondering if you (whoever this letter thing is to) could email me and tell me what this game is about and how do you play it because at the moment my computer is having technical difficulties and is unable to download anything. I love sonic and will never stop loving the games but i have to say the best sonic character EVER!!!!!!!!!!! is silver WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO go silver he is a bad*** mother****** who ***** all the **** ********

  3. James Says:

    This seems like a pretty cool system, though I had an idea for an expansion based off of the SatAM cartoon show. I included a few different classes and new abilities, as well as technology, weapons, and vehicles. I think these new elements would add a deeper dimension of playing to the game and leave potential for more complex plots, which could also attract players of the more complex traditional pen-and-paper RPG’s. If you would like, I could send you the full expansion rules when I’ve completed writing them to see what you think.

  4. Crashcity Says:

    I love RPGs and CCGs, like Magic the Gathering, and my youngest son is getting into those with me which is very cool. My oldest son could care less about either, however, his passion is Sonic the Hedgehog. I had a thought, that possibly I could combine our worlds, and therefore be able to involve my son. I decided that I would have to write a Sonic RPG. While doing researching everything Sonic, I came across your version of the Sonic RPG. You have definately saved me a lot of work, and my oldest son loves it. We so far have enjoyed several hours of adventuring with everyone’s favorite wisecracking hedgehog. Thank you so much!

  5. Icalasari Says:

    Neat system!

    However, I’m heavily house ruling it. I don’t like some of the abilities, for example (so far, for Tails to get anything like the flight in the games, he’d need both flight and gliding. Right now, flight is just a super high jump, which is silly. I’d make it so that vertical height and amount of time in air is based on air time, and horizontal movement is based on speed, for example)

    I’d also, personally, split Speed into Speed and Acceleration (I swear that, at a dead stop, Tails in some games will go faster than Sonic while Sonic works on picking up speed) and boost the initial starting number of points to 12

    Still, pretty cool!