
You have to lead the lemming population through fire and water, through danger and risk.” – said the Fire to the Lion, the Fox and the Rabbit. Then all the three animals chose one mighty hero of the lemmings to be their characters. Then they began to reimagine the journey of the long lost species.

The Kingdom of the Animals

Some animals from the Kingdom of Animals travel far far away to claim the fire that is possessed only by the humans and the gods of the humans. As they arrive at the fire they don’t know what to do to catch it, and meanwhile it reminds them of their old brothers, the lemmings. The lemmings are a dead species that once lived in peace in the wilderness, but it wasn’t enough for them, they longed for success and happiness without the striving and struggle they had to do in their short lives. They had stories passed on from parents to children about a mythical city of happiness and peace. They didn’t know where it is except for the cryptic hints of their legends. But they put great trust in their own powers and had proud leaders and strong heroes, hence they departed for a better world and got on the road. They had a long and difficult journey but at the end they didn’t find the city they longed for, but they found death and not only death, but extinction. And the fire told them stories about the long journey of the lemmings to buy time before they claim it, and the animals all took up roles of famous lemming heroes. The players’ characters are the animals and the GM plays the fire. The characters are also roleplaying: the fire is the GM and the animals are the players. Hence the players of this game has to play the roles of animals that are playing lemmings. They try to play the lemming heroes faithfully and not let their characteristics in the way.


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