Lost Memories

Lost Memories is a game of transcendent horror, in which characters are thrust into a terrifying world, where they must confront and overcome the sins of their past, or be consumed by the hatred and sorrow within their hearts. Surrounded by similar transgressors, antagonized by the darkness in their souls, forced to the edges of insanity and suffering, the characters must plead forgiveness for their crimes and transcend, or become manifestations of their wrongs.

Lost Memories is not a conventional role-playing game. For one, this game is not intended for long, campaign-style play, the subject matter and progression of the game makes the ideal story to run from 1-6 sessions. Lost Memories also requires a lot of cohesion between the GM and all of the players, it requires a collectively agreed-upon interpretation of morality, a strong understanding of each others’ comfort level concerning mature issues, and a strong bond of trust between the GM and players, as the GM has more control over the PCs in this game than in most. The game is also much more single-minded than most games. The entire goal of the game is to have characters question their own concept of right and wrong, and to confront things from the past that they have forgotten. Lost Memories is intended to be an experiment in role-playing, not a universal system for many types of games, or a setting easily converted to other games. With all of this said, I hope that you have fun trying to make sense out of this current version.


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