Players Collide

The basic concept of players collide is that the players divide up between two (or possibly more) groups, then the oppose each other in some sort of situation. The GR (game runner) might make police on robbers, space pirates on a company shipping security or two spy organizations. The players make the leaders or controllers of the side for their characters and then the GR makes the rest of the side they chose. The player’s however, get to give their side things.

Play works like this. The GR takes what the players of a side say they are doing and how long it will take for the actions to be completed is then determined. The GR then goes over to the other side and gets their actions and how long they will take. The GR then informs a side if something interesting interrupts their actions, which could be the other side’s action. Combat is handled by each person involved saying what they are going to do. The action has a time in seconds and each second is counted off and finished actions happen at the end of the second. The players could look up an action on a table or make their own by timing things in the air or just estimating how long it would take.

Craig House is the Author of Players Collide and can be reached at


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