My Hero

This is my first attempt at a 24-hour RPG. The idea was to create a simple superhero RPG where the artistic ability of the players replaced the random rolling of dice for character creation and combat. If I had more time I would include artwork, advice on how to draw people, and probably add rules for movement. Next time I do this I will not do it on a workday. Hope you have fun with this. systems.

This game assumes players are all familiar with superheroes, role playing games and role playing terms, but just in case here is one definition that needs to be made clear. ?Player? is one of the human beings playing the game. ?Character,? or ?Hero,? is the creation of a player. If the Hero gets beaten up, the Hero can be fine in the next scene. If a player gets hurt, they might take a long time to heal. If anyone has trouble telling the difference between the player and the Hero, I suggest they switch to a less demanding game, like Checkers maybe.

To play this game you need the following:

  • A copy of these rules
  • A pile of superhero comic books
  • Lots of blank paper
  • Colored pencils and pens, probably one set for every player
  • A digital watch
  • At least 3 players, 4 or 5 would be better.
  • A table and some chairs, good lighting, some refreshments, etc.

    Of the players, one person will run the game. Some systems call this person the Game Master. Here, we call them The Man. A woman can be The Man, but you would still call her The Man. The Man?s job is to enforce the rules, interpret the rules and, if necessary, make up more rules. If a player disagrees with The Man, they are allowed to spend five minutes arguing with The Man, after which time if The Man has not changed his or her opinion, the player?s proper response is ?Well, You The Man.? and they should then accept the ruling and continue to play. Players who violate the five-minute rule may have their Hero suddenly take Whomp damage (explained later) loose Brownie Points (also explained later) and may not be invited back to future game sessions.

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