Wandering Monster High School

Every saga has a beginning, they say. And so the story will often start with tales of our stalwart hero as a youth, doing appropriately scaled feats of derring-do.

But what about the other side? Weren?t the bad guys ever kids too? Didn?t they have the same hopes and fears, same teenage angst and ambition, same struggles to make it through the high school day?

And thus the premise of this game: What if monsters went to high school?


5 Responses to “Wandering Monster High School”

  1. Rob Says:

    Wow, I love the game, it’s fantastic. Have you considered an expansion?

  2. Impressions: Wandering Monsters High School | UncleBear Says:

    […] Download Wandering Monster High School from 1KM1KT […]

  3. » Drunken D&D II:The Implied Setting Says:

    […] right, without any further ado, I give you the Adventure’s Elevator Pitch (with credits to WMHS creator Kynn Bartlett whose idea I’m […]

  4. Wandering Monster High School – Kickstarter RPG « Skyland Games Says:

    […] on the role of a monster in high school. If the new revised and updated version is anything like the version the author created for 24 Hour RPG, expect some light-hearted, tongue-in-cheek character creation […]

  5. Wandering Monsters High School « Berin Kinsman's Dire Blog Says:

    […] Download the 24 RPG Version of Wandering Monster High School from 1KM1KT […]