
NecroSticknomicon is a horror supplement for StickGuy, the Roleplaying Game. In this supplement, the Sticks head out over the Bridge to spend a nice weekend in a cabin. When they get there, they find a tape recorder, which when played releases the evil power of the NecroSticknomicon, the Book of the Stick Dead. And after that, all hell breaks lose, and what are the Sticks to do, except fight the evil or become part of it.


The floor boards rattled and tossed their nails straight out of the nail holes, and the deer head on the wall twisted and turned with the ugly look of terror in it?s eyes. The group, stickguys and their stickgirlfriends had retreated to this cabin in the woods outside of Sticktown for a quick weekend getaway from the turmoil in town. The weekend had been relaxing until Sticky slid the lever on the reel-to-reel player to play. Then over the tiny stickspeakers, someone claiming to be an archeologist began to speak of a book so evil that it had been hidden for a thousand years until he found it on a dig. The tape spoke of the translation and the transformation of his wife from kind loving stickwoman to ugly crazy stickzombie…


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