
Centzontotochtin, the Four Hundred Rabbits, are having a party, and many of the gods will attend. It is a time for celebration and subterfuge in equal parts. The four principal gods will seek new wives and new alliances.

Ronnies Note

Xochitlcozamalotl uses “cosmos” and “sphere” and does not include “fight” or “pain”. Sphere refers to the overlapping influence and authority of the four player character gods – each represents an elemental sphere. Cosmos refers to cosmos bipinnatus, Mexican aster, a daisy-like flower that grows in absurd abundance in the Valley of Mexico.


One Response to “Xochitlcozamalotl”

  1. The ultimate big list of GM-less games « Doubleninja's Blog Says:

    […] Xochitlcozamalotl {Aztec, Gods, Romance, Soap} […]